Weekly Scores, Standings, and Player - Week 1
Weekly Player Awards
Play Hard Award, Play Smart Award and Be a Mensch Award
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Weekly Scores
Blue 5 (Gavriel Bernstein 4 Goals, Dovid Newman 1 Goal) - Orange 3 (Pinchas Nadler 2 Goals, Yehuda Abidon 1 Goal and 1 Assist, Reuven Neuman 1 Assist)
Player Statistics
Gavriel Bernstein 4 Goals - 8 Points
Pinchas Nadler 2 Goals - 4 Points
Yehuda Abidon 1 Goal and 1 Assist - 3 Points
Dovid Newman 1 Goal - 2 Points
Reuven Neuman 1 Assist - 1 Point
Baltimore Fall 2011 - B45
Baltimore Fall 2011 - B45
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Baltimore Fall 2011 - B45
Weekly Scores, Standings, and Player - Week 2
Weekly Player Awards
Play Hard Award, Play Smart Award and Be a Mensch Award
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Weekly Scores
Blue 4 - Orange 3 OT (Blue/Green: Gavriel Bernstein 2 Goals, Shlomo Sonnenberg 1 Goal, Yehuda Miller 1 Goal. Orange: Dovid Newman 2 Goals, Reuven Neuman 1 Goal.)
Player Statistics
Gavriel Bernstein 6 Goals - 12 Points
Dovid Newman 3 Goals - 6 Points
Pinchas Nadler 2 Goals - 4 Points
Yehuda Abidon 1 Goal and 1 Assist - 3 Points
Reuven Neuman 1 Goal and 1 Assist - 3 Points
Shlomo Sonnenberg 1 Goal - 2 Points
Yehuda Miller 1 Goal - 2 Points
Weekly Player Awards
Play Hard Award, Play Smart Award and Be a Mensch Award
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Weekly Scores
Blue 4 - Orange 3 OT (Blue/Green: Gavriel Bernstein 2 Goals, Shlomo Sonnenberg 1 Goal, Yehuda Miller 1 Goal. Orange: Dovid Newman 2 Goals, Reuven Neuman 1 Goal.)
Player Statistics
Gavriel Bernstein 6 Goals - 12 Points
Dovid Newman 3 Goals - 6 Points
Pinchas Nadler 2 Goals - 4 Points
Yehuda Abidon 1 Goal and 1 Assist - 3 Points
Reuven Neuman 1 Goal and 1 Assist - 3 Points
Shlomo Sonnenberg 1 Goal - 2 Points
Yehuda Miller 1 Goal - 2 Points
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Baltimore Fall 2011 - B45
Weekly Scores, Standings, and Player - Week 3
Weekly Player Awards
Play Hard Award, Play Smart Award and Be a Mensch Award
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Weekly Scores
Orange 5 - Teal 4 OT (Orange: Dovid Newman 3 Goals, Yehuda Miller 2 Goals. Teal: Gavriel Bernstein 3 Goals and 1 Assist, Yosel Lebovits 1 Goal.)
Player Statistics
Gavriel Bernstein 9 Goals and 1 Assist - 19 Points
Dovid Newman 6 Goals - 12 Points
Yehuda Miller 3 Goals - 6 Points
Pinchas Nadler 2 Goals - 4 Points
Yehuda Abidon 1 Goal and 1 Assist - 3 Points
Reuven Neuman 1 Goal and 1 Assist - 3 Points
Yosef Lebovits 1 Goal - 2 Points
Shlomo Sonnenberg 1 Goal - 2 Points
Weekly Player Awards
Play Hard Award, Play Smart Award and Be a Mensch Award
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Weekly Scores
Orange 5 - Teal 4 OT (Orange: Dovid Newman 3 Goals, Yehuda Miller 2 Goals. Teal: Gavriel Bernstein 3 Goals and 1 Assist, Yosel Lebovits 1 Goal.)
Player Statistics
Gavriel Bernstein 9 Goals and 1 Assist - 19 Points
Dovid Newman 6 Goals - 12 Points
Yehuda Miller 3 Goals - 6 Points
Pinchas Nadler 2 Goals - 4 Points
Yehuda Abidon 1 Goal and 1 Assist - 3 Points
Reuven Neuman 1 Goal and 1 Assist - 3 Points
Yosef Lebovits 1 Goal - 2 Points
Shlomo Sonnenberg 1 Goal - 2 Points
Know Idea
Baltimore Fall 2011 - B45
Weekly Scores, Standings, and Player - Week 4
Weekly Player Awards
Play Hard Award, Play Smart Award and Be a Mensch Award
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Weekly Scores
Orange 3 - Teal 2 OT (Orange: Gavriel Bernstein 2 Goals, Shlomo Sonnenberg 1 Goal, Yehuda Miller 1 Assist. Teal: Pinchus Nadler 1 Goal, Yosef Lebovits 1 Goal, Dovid Newman 1 Assist.)
Player Statistics
Gavriel Bernstein 11 Goals and 1 Assist - 23 Points
Dovid Newman 6 Goals and 1 Assist - 13 Points
Yehuda Miller 3 Goals and 1 Assist - 7 Points
Pinchas Nadler 3 Goals - 6 Points
Yosef Lebovits 2 Goals - 4 Points
Shlomo Sonnenberg 2 Goals - 4 Points
Yehuda Abidon 1 Goal and 1 Assist - 3 Points
Reuven Neuman 1 Goal and 1 Assist - 3 Points
Weekly Player Awards
Play Hard Award, Play Smart Award and Be a Mensch Award
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Weekly Scores
Orange 3 - Teal 2 OT (Orange: Gavriel Bernstein 2 Goals, Shlomo Sonnenberg 1 Goal, Yehuda Miller 1 Assist. Teal: Pinchus Nadler 1 Goal, Yosef Lebovits 1 Goal, Dovid Newman 1 Assist.)
Player Statistics
Gavriel Bernstein 11 Goals and 1 Assist - 23 Points
Dovid Newman 6 Goals and 1 Assist - 13 Points
Yehuda Miller 3 Goals and 1 Assist - 7 Points
Pinchas Nadler 3 Goals - 6 Points
Yosef Lebovits 2 Goals - 4 Points
Shlomo Sonnenberg 2 Goals - 4 Points
Yehuda Abidon 1 Goal and 1 Assist - 3 Points
Reuven Neuman 1 Goal and 1 Assist - 3 Points
Know Idea
Weekly Scores, Standings, and Player - Week 5
Weekly Player Awards
Play Hard Award, Play Smart Award and Be a Mensch Award
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Weekly Scores
Orange 4 - Teal 3 OT (Orange: Shlomo Sonnenberg 2 Goals, Yehuda Miller 1 Goal, Yosef Lebovits 1 Goal. Teal: Gavriel Bernstein 2 Goals, Dovid Newman 1 Goal.)
Player Statistics
Gavriel Bernstein 13 Goals and 1 Assist - 27 Points
Dovid Newman 7 Goals and 1 Assist - 15 Points
Yehuda Miller 4 Goals and 1 Assist - 9 Points
Shlomo Sonnenberg 4 Goals - 8 Points
Pinchas Nadler 3 Goals - 6 Points
Yosef Lebovits 3 Goals - 6 Points
Yehuda Abidon 1 Goal and 1 Assist - 3 Points
Reuven Neuman 1 Goal and 1 Assist - 3 Points
Weekly Player Awards
Play Hard Award, Play Smart Award and Be a Mensch Award
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Weekly Scores
Orange 4 - Teal 3 OT (Orange: Shlomo Sonnenberg 2 Goals, Yehuda Miller 1 Goal, Yosef Lebovits 1 Goal. Teal: Gavriel Bernstein 2 Goals, Dovid Newman 1 Goal.)
Player Statistics
Gavriel Bernstein 13 Goals and 1 Assist - 27 Points
Dovid Newman 7 Goals and 1 Assist - 15 Points
Yehuda Miller 4 Goals and 1 Assist - 9 Points
Shlomo Sonnenberg 4 Goals - 8 Points
Pinchas Nadler 3 Goals - 6 Points
Yosef Lebovits 3 Goals - 6 Points
Yehuda Abidon 1 Goal and 1 Assist - 3 Points
Reuven Neuman 1 Goal and 1 Assist - 3 Points
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