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Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 4:50 am
by admin

Play Hard -- Amitai Diament and Eitan Isser. I am not sure if any 2 players on this team improved from the beginning of the season until now as much as you two have. You hustled, did not stop chasing the ball, played intelligently and played wherever I asked you. Great going guys!

Play Smart -- Yaakov Levine. He kept the game close by saving at least 6 shots directly on goal from breakaways and always turned it around to allow the team to have a break. Excellent play, Yaakov.

Mentsch -- It is always hard to give this award because everyone always acts like a mentsch and frankly there are not that many opportunities to display mentshclichkeit. That is why I do not award it every week. However, the award this week goes to a player who exhibited the right attitude immediately AFTER the game. Recognizing that everyone was disappointed, and very tired (our team was pushing themselves hard the last few minutes to try and tie the game while yellow was hanging back trying to protect that lead), one player remarked "Look where we came from and we got here and we played a good game, keeping them at 1 goal." That is a positive attitude and good sportsmanship. The award therefore goes to Menachem Eisenstat. Menachem, you got it right!